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Chakra Balancing & Healing


Our chakras are funnel-shaped spinning energy vortexes of multicolored light. The term "chakra" comes from the Sanskrit word meaning wheel or disc.   Our chakras are influenced by everything we do, and go in and out of alignment and balance naturally -From daily life stresses, minor illnesses, or just from leading the fast-paced lifestyles we do today. Our chakras need to be realigned to eliminate emotional and health problems of the mind, body and spirit. Usually a series of different meditations are needed to fully release any blockages or to fully heal your energy.

We use a combination of crystals, candles, meditations, colors, essential oils and sound to balance the chakras. - Contact for pricing.

Crystal Meditation  & Aura Cleansing

**Pricing & Session duration based on negativity level**


There are 7 layers in the aura. Each one is associated with a particular chakra. Cleansing the aura removes impurities from the different layers, allowing you to feel more vibrant and be received by others more positively. Over time we pick up other peoples energy & emotions, which can be either positive or negative. If one of our chakras crack negative energy can seep through and create a negative impact on our love life, career & such. If one or more chakras are damaged this type of healing is needed to be done before it accumulates.



Crystal Stones & Candles

Stone healing meditation is customized and explores your 7 chakras the Seven Chakras are the energy centers in our bodies where energy flows. Rejuvenate & replenish your soul, uncloud your aura & decode your destiny. Unlike others you get to keep the materials I use when meditating after our session(s)!

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